by Sorean on Aug.17, 2010, under Jokes
A speedboat down nearing the bottom of his financial barrel finally gets a job as a real estate agent after trying for jobs everywhere. Why he didn’t get a job elsewhere I have no idea, but this company decided to take him on. At first everything goes great for him. He’s getting plenty of calls to show houses, and even a few high end condos in the downtown core. But after a month, he still hasn’t been able to close the deal with any of the callers and the owners of the houses he is responsible for are starting to get restless. Two weeks later he gets called into the boss’s office. The boss says to him, “Speedy, I’m afraid I’m going to have to let you go. You’re a great worker, but you just haven’t got any sales (sails).”
Original, shorter version is on Facebook.
by Sorean on Jul.28, 2010, under Personal
Holy crap another month has gone by in the blink of an eye.
Lets see, Starcraft 2 came out yesterday!!! I’ve only waited 12 years for it, and so far, it’s been well worth the wait.
Aside from that, Vegas is next week. Going down for a friend’s wedding and in all truth, to hang out with a bunch of guildies. It’s the last big thing before we all quit WoW if we haven’t already. I’m walking away from it, my account expires sometime in September and I have other things to do, having back 2 nights a week will let me do so many more creative things with my life. Don’t get me wrong, playing WoW and leading has been a great experience for me. The learning of people and how they perform, just like management 🙂
The big 1 year is coming up for me and my girl. Kinda funny, in my past relationships this is where the breaking point came up for me, or where I chickened out and just was immature and found the easy way out. I don’t feel that this time. Just a better fit i guess.
I do believe I need to write here more of what just crosses my mind and the expansiveness of what goes through my head on a more regular basis. For example, in the past little while I’ve decided that I’ve wanted to write the next Flames Parody for the up coming NHL season, write a musical, and based on the stuff I’m learning at work, write a text based game where the options are infinite. Or maybe even work with my brother to get something going with a card game he made. I just want to create something in the near future that can be shared with the world. I just need to take the time to sit down and do it. But video games are such an awesome distraction.
I will find a better balance in the near future, I will create something.
Current Track: This is the most beautiful version of the song I’ve ever heard. The acoustic and vocals/lyrics are just so amazing.
I suck at blogging
by Sorean on Jun.25, 2010, under Personal
I really do, it’s been over a month since I’ve even thought to update this blog and yet so much has happened. I blame the advent of FB attributing to the decline of blogging. But in reality what is a blog other than a personal diary publicly shared with the world? Most of us lead pretty boring lives in the grand scheme of things. Well boring shouldn’t be the word there, probably something more along the lines of standard, predictable, something that everyone else has done. For example, last weekend I was in Toronto on a mini-vacation (predictable, everyone takes vacations) and for my sister’s university grad (standard, everyone goes to the major grad of someone in the family). I’ll detail the trip below, but I’m just using that as an example. Like I’ve said before, this is mostly for my own recollection as years pass us by. Someday I’ll forget all the little events that have brought me to a place 10 years down the road and it will be nice to look back and remember/reflect on little events that were nothing short of awesome or noteworthy enough to be put up on my little piece of the Internet.
So since the last update my brother was long for the long weekend. We did a few cool things like go to the Science center to see the Body Worlds exhibit, there were 11 penises throughout the whole exhibit, yes I choose to remember that because it was funny 😛 That aside though, it really was a cool display, bodies that are now encased in plastic put on for display so that the world can learn about what our insides look like. They had a cross section of a 300 pound man…. I never want to be that fat, ever, unless it’s some health reason I cannot control. Blackened lungs of a coal miner, a camel split into 3 to show the neck, an entire body done into a 10-14 cross section like a flip book on display were a few of the tastefully displayed bodies that were there. Can’t really remember what else we did except go out for food a few of the days. It was also the first time he met Chrystal.
Oh yeah, it was Chrystal’s birthday in there too! We went to see Iron Man 2, awesome movie. I’m actually a little behind cinematicly at the moment, I haven’t found the time to go see: The A-Team, The Karate Kid, or Prince of Persia. However, I have found the time to see Toy Story 3, such an awesome movie. I absolutely loved it.
A few weeks later it was off to Toronto for my sister’s grad as I mentioned before. Long days…. got in at midnight, up at 5 the next day local time, which was 3 AM here. It was a rough and long day, but it was well spent on time out, and then a good dinner with my sister, mom, brother, Chrystal, and 2 of my sister’s friends from high school. I know she’s in good hands, they seemed like very stand up guys and I still like to think I can get a good measure of a character when I first meet them.
The second day consisted of exploring the city. I touched the Stanley Cup and knelt before it’s awesomeness. I went up to the top of the CN Tower and had a nice relaxing night.
Pictures of Toronto can be found here
It was a whirlwind trip and oh so much fun, minus the heat, it sucked being on the 7th floor of a condo high rise. All of the nights Chrystal and I couldn’t even lay an arm on each other because it was too warm. And now it’s back to life as scheduled with work, contract work, volleyball and video games.
Speaking of video games I’ve almost all but quit WoW. It’s just habit now more than anything, when my current subscription ends, that will be the end of it, the end of my WoW career. Sad times, but Vegas in August will be the last big hurrah for all of us. I’m looking forward to that a lot. It will be a fitting ending.
Track at the moment: Dash Berlin feat Emma Hewitt – Waiting (Official Music Video)
– Sorean
Where does the time go?
by Sorean on May.17, 2010, under Personal, World of Warcraft
I mean really? In the blink of an eye a month has passed since my fluff post about zombies on my lawn. What’s happened in the past month?
- We’ve killed Arthas
- I’ve built a new computer.
- The girlfriend has moved in.
- Booked tickets for Toronto for my sister’s grad
- Got new monitor’s for myself and the girlfriend (it was her birthday present)
- Picked up DDR3
- Got into the Starcraft 2 Beta
Killing Arthas is one of the best feelings I’ve had video game wise in a long time. And the second time in this wow expansion that my guild and I have completed all of the content, minus a few hard modes. We’re in the top percentage of the WoW population for doing what we have. The next question is, do I continue playing? A lot of my guild had this as their objective, killing Arthas that is, it is what we strove for and what we ended up completing. Here is our mission statement:
Vendetta: any prolonged and bitter feud, rivalry, or contention.
I guess you can say that we have a vendetta against the end content in the World of Warcraft.
Several of us in this guild have not seen the last bosses Pre-BC and Pre-WOTLK. However we have come together to resolve that this will not happen to us again. With the 10 man versions of the same instances that allow you to see this content, Vendetta will be pushing hard to see the end of this and to see a dead Arthas.
Vendetta is by no means a hardcore guild, but we are a skills guild. If you do not improve after a given amount of time, someone else will be given a shot and you will be replaced. Sorry if this sounds blunt, but after 3 years, the sugar coating wears off. This guild will be established on openness and trust with one another. If something bothers you during a raid, bring it up on the forums after the fact and do not detract from the raid. Everyone is here to make sure we all succeed, there need not be any insults thrown or attacks made. Issues will be dealt with (should they ever arise). There is a strict no-emo clause for this guild, we’re all mature and intelligent and can deal with issues as such.
The leadership of the guild is comprised of myself, Sanevisock, and Tdot. All three share equal vote and strength in the guild, any changes should be put forth in an appropriate manner and it will be voted upon. If you want us to change something, you have to sell us on the idea. We may not get the things we want, but there is not going to be any hurt feelings or any injured pride. Just the success of Vendetta.
The current incarnation of Vendetta will cater and focus on 10 man raids in WOTLK.
The leadership has now all but fallen onto myself only as everyone is burning out a bit. I have a few friends that have bonded over WoW and want to know what I plan on doing come the next expansion. Do I want to lead a guild through another expansion? I could for the sake of my friends and for the sake of seeing content and again being among the few that actually see and conquer the content in game rather than having to watch videos about it, like I did for the first 3 years of WoW. Maybe this is a good time that I step back from raid and guild leading, it would be nice to stop at the top.
The nice thing about SC2, is that you wouldn’t have to pay a monthly subscription fee to play it. And I have a lot of console games to play and the summer is coming. I think I’ll renew for one more 3 month block and that will be it. Everything has to end sometime.
The girlfriend has settled in pretty nicely and I’m happy to have her. Though it sucks a lot as she works weekends so finding time together to do something is tricky. It’s mostly just watching some TV for < 1hr before bed, which isn't really much, but it's something at least. Well that's about it as far as rambling for now is concerned. Take care everyone, Sorean
Update time again
by Sorean on Apr.06, 2010, under Personal, World of Warcraft
So it’s been a month again and it’s been not too bad. Mostly just busy. As of this post I’m another year older, 27 to be exact. Feels a little odd to see this number keep growing. But it’s just a way of life, everyone is born, grows old, and will die. Just what we do with our lives makes the difference in the lives of others.
So what has gone on? Nothing too exciting to be honest. My life is still mostly comprised of work, volleyball, contract job, going to shows to support my friends. One band and one DJ. Luckily it hasn’t been too tough on the pocketbook. Speaking of which, I am now 100% debt free. No more student loans to speak of, just free until I get a house. Which I now plan on getting in the next 2 years. Renting just ins’t a good option any more when I can get a mortgage for around the same rate.
Chrystal is going to be moving in with me at the end of the month, I know, big step right? But honestly it feels right. It will help me save some extra money towards the aforementioned house.
This year is gonna be a bit of travel so I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to put away much towards that house, but if the contract work keeps up I can put away a few grand here and there, hopefully. June is going to be a trip to Toronto for my sister’s grad, August is a trip to Vegas for a guildie’s wedding, and then sometime in Sept/Oct for a production that my best friend is putting on, they have a fully rented out theater for it and everything. I’m kind of excited for it.
Oh, that also brings up my best friend being here on my birthday, like the actual date of it. I took the day off, went to see him perform (he’s touring Alberta and Saskatchewan doing puppet shows of Robert Munch stories for elementary schools), went for a lunch, and spent the afternoon relaxing playing Mario Bros. Wii. Then off to volleyball, it was a great way to spend the actual birthday, the only sad part is that I couldn’t have had more people take the day off 😛 Which led me to have a BBQ on the weekend where more of my friends gathered and played some cards, socialized, and watched Wrestlemania, that’s right, I may have gotten old, but some things are still fun. Realistically, it was still fun to watch some throwback wrestlers and just the punishment they put their bodies through. It’s fun to watch, and I know it’s fake. I’ve used this term a lot, but it’s a soap opera for men and there isn’t a better way to put it. Although some of the wrestlers have just let it go, they’re a little chubby where the muscle used to be 😛
In the World of Warcraft front, we’ve been stuck on Arthas because of a lack of consistency for attendance. Hopefully he’ll go down this week, but it seems like we’re only going to have one raid day this week. We’re a 10 strict guild at the moment, but I don’t know what to do once we’re done with these guys. I’m 1/2 thinking I might try to find my guildies a place in a larger guild, or just let them find their own way. Part of me wants to push for a bit of a 25 man progress to see how far we can get with picking up some people or using people that I have access too. But that will happen once we get finished with what we are working on. Personal goals first, then we’ll see what we can hit.
Current track: Tocadisco & Nadia Ali- Better Run (Wippenberg Remix) HD TATW 293
My own creation
by Sorean on Apr.05, 2010, under Jokes
So these puns are of my own creation, with the exception of the neutron one, that one inspired all these. They’ve gone on my Facebook, but I figured I’d have a better place to keep them.
A hill and a farm were having a chat. The hill wanted to know why the farm could grow so much and the hill could not. The farm replied, “I’m not inclined to tell you anything.”
Some oxygen and hydrogen atoms got into a huge fight, after a while all you could see was this cloud of mist start to rise. My friend pipes up, “Aw, would you look at that, they’re bonding.”
A base and an acid walk into a bar and start getting trashed. After a while they start throwing out racist remarks and degrading comments about pretty much everyone in the bar. Having no one respond, the two leave the bar. I ask the bartender, “What’s with those two?” The bartender responds, “Those two? Just ignore them, they’re just trying to get a reaction.”
A proton is walking home late at night and got robbed in a dark alley. Scared he goes to the nearest police station and reports it to the Desk Sargent. The Sargent hands him a book of mug shots to file a police report. After a few pages the proton exclaims, “That’s him! Billy McRobberson.” The Desk Sargent asks, “Are you sure that’s him?” The proton replies, “I’m positive.”
A neutron walks into a bar and orders a few drinks, proceeds to get completely wasted and starts trashing the bar. He breaks a few chairs, rips up the felt on the pool table, and gets kick out of the place. He feels really bad about it the next morning so he goes back to the bar. Bartender calls the cops afraid that he’s going to do more damage. The cops arrive and say, “We can’t charge him”.
Okay, that’s it for now. Tomorrow will be a real update with the highlights of the past month.
– Sorean