Delete files older than X days
by Sorean on Nov.21, 2018, under Batch Scritps, Tech Stuff
The -21 indicates the number of days.
FORFILES /p “C:\Backups\folder\folder\folder” /S /D -21 /C “cmd /c del @file”
Cannot remove HyperV Snapshot
by Sorean on Nov.18, 2018, under HyperV, Tech Stuff
Sometimes Snapshots get stuck in the HyperV environment. Run this command from an administrative powershell to remove them:
Get-VMSnapshot -ComputerName “HostName” -VMName “GuestName” | Remove-VMSnapshot
.NET 3.5 Update failure
by Sorean on Nov.18, 2018, under Desktop, Tech Stuff
This is mostly caused by an onsite WSUS server that does not have the hosted library in the repository.
Then run this command in powershell. Make sure you change the folder to where you saved the file or put it into a folder named Installs on the C drive.
Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /source:C:\Installs /LimitAccess
Depending on the speed of your machine this may take a minute or up to five.
New Usage
by Sorean on Nov.18, 2018, under Personal, Tech Stuff
Just a quick note to those that may or may not frequent this page as almost all my posting stuff has primarily ended up on Facebook. I’m going to start using this as a dumping ground for all the tech knowledge and fixes that I have. Maybe the stuff I’ve learned will benefit others eventually. If nothing else, it’s going to be quick self reference for problems I run into.
WordPress Move for IIS.
by Sorean on Nov.18, 2018, under IIS, Tech Stuff, Wordpress
Assuming you know all the basics of managing a data move here are the key steps:
- Set up IIS.
- Set up mySQL.
- Export all data from the mySQL and inetpub folders and move/import them to the new server.
- Download and install PHP for Windows.
- Download and install PHP Manager for IIS.
- Turn on 32 Bit Application support in the application pool.
- Set your bindings.
Hearthstone Legendary
by Sorean on Jul.17, 2018, under Games
I started playing Hearthstone from beta, but never really tried to get high ranks. I did decently for a long time, playing the game for fun and developed a great understand of the game. But to me it was always a casual game. However, several months ago I hit up a local tournament with a few of my really good friends, mainly for fun. But I ended up going 5-0 before losing a match and ended up 4th overall out of a field of 30+. The funny part is that I lost 4 games in a row to Lyndon (came in 6th) on the way to the tournament. Part of me had thought that my competitive gaming days were long gone. Back in my World of Warcraft playing days I lead a guild of 10 people to be one of the top 10 10-man-strict guilds in the world. I guess the competitiveness never leaves. That said, I play sports at a pretty competitive level so it’s not that big a surprise that I would go this route. It was a pretty good personal accomplishment.
For the past few weeks I’ve dedicated a significant amount of time to Hearthstone. The most recent stats show that only 0.5% of all Hearthstone Players on any given month reach Legendary. And it’s a tricky climb. Especially considering kids and other activities taking away the free time you do have. Either way I wanted to just document that I was able to hit it in July of 2018. I even documented it in a Reddit post to help others that play the same deck.
My journey to legend with a T3 deck (Shudderwock) from CompetitiveHS
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