I’m freaking drained
by Sorean on Jun.02, 2009, under Personal
I ended up playing 5 games straight last night because someone needed a sub, I’m a sucker for punishment.
So very tired…. that is all.
It sounds weird…..
by Sorean on Jun.01, 2009, under Personal
But I feel like I’m in a rut for some unknown reason.
My weekends are filled with activities at least 2 weeks in advance if not more; I’m playing on two volleyball teams this summer, one competitive, one rec beach; I’m sorta seeing someone, but it’s kinda tricky since she works out of town; my guild is doing amazing things and all the people that follow are constantly improving, and yet I feel like something different has to occur.
Since last post: Both volleyball teams won, so 2-0 in each league to start, but I really felt it on Wednesday. Guess I’m not as in shape as I thought. And I also agreed to sub for a friend’s team tonight who is playing 3 games before I play my standard 2 for my team. Should be a nice long warm-up. Only problem with that is that I’m still feeling drained from the weekend.
Weekend recap: Friend’s birthday on Friday night, was out and up until about 2. Bi-monthly blood donation the next morning followed by dim sum breakfast with some friends. A 1/2 afternoon of video games followed by an hour and a half of Frisbee. Pectoral, bicep, and tricep muscles are sore and right leg as well for some unknown reason. After Frisbee it was the 1st game of the hockey playoffs followed by a decent game of SCBG. Sunday was pretty much spent recovering from Frisbee and just lounging around, was pretty lazy and still feeling the effects today. Volleyball is going to be really interesting tonight.
Also, I’ve decided to give up casual drinking except for special occassions. The reason is behind my attempt at weight loss. Every time I go out it’s almost always 4-8 drinks if I still want to be able to drive home at the end of the night, well those drinks contain essentially useless calories and it’s always mixed with non-diet pop, which adds more to what I have to lose. Since I’ve seemed to have plateaued between 216-219 according to Wiifit (214-217 according to my bathroom scale) I need to figure out what else more I can do to get a lower weight. Cutting out parts of my diet will help. I know that I need to exercise more, but finding the right time to do it is tricky because I like to have more than one day off in between. Playing back to back this season is a test to see if I can do it. It’s only for 10 weeks, so it’s a good sample size 🙂 Here’s my weekly break down:
Sunday: AM raid, afternoon/evenings free.
Monday: volleyball.
Tuesday: volleyball.
Wednesday: Off-night
Thursday: raid night.
Friday: Off-night/going out to be social.
Saturday: Off-day, but usually out at night.
As you can see, my weeks are pretty much booked solid, what I think I need to do is find something to do Friday night or Saturday morning/afternoon which will work great. I think I’m going to add rollerblading to my Friday night’s after work before going out. That’s a good idea 🙂 Then find something to do Saturday, a friend and I were talking about taking up tennis, would require a new pair of court shoes since I’d be using my old volleyball shoes for tennis. Maybe we’ll start this week….
See, I don’t get it, by all accounts I should feel like I’m in a rut, but somehow I do.
Current Track: Ferry Corsten feat Maria Nayler – We Belong (Official Video) The video is kinda cheesy but I like the song.
What a busy time :D
by Sorean on May.25, 2009, under Personal
So it’s been a crazy almost 2 weeks since my last post. Mostly due to the fact of a visitor and the lack of updates was also to prevent the giving away of any surprise, but she’s been back for a week now so that should be long done with :). My friend Talia just got back from Japan, but her first stop was here to visit me before making it home early to surprise everyone. She was here for only 2 days, but it was full of great food and good company. We went to see Star Trek and man was it an awesome movie. It was great for what it was, an alternate world. The sad thing is that only Talia and I were the only ones laughing at the cheesy one liners aka “Damn it, I’m a doctor not physicist!” We laughed, the rest of the theater was dead silent…. made me kinda sad really a great experience soured by those that didn’t enjoy it as much as we did.
The rest of the week was fairly low key, no volleyball due to the long weekend, but I certainly needed a long weekend from my long weekend. There was also a birthday party for a friend of mine the Saturday before Talia showed up. And this past weekend was pretty entertaining.
Lets start with Friday. So Friday night I had my first date off eharmony, got together for coffee after work and just started chatting. I started off by telling her that if she wanted out at any time that she could leave and I wouldn’t feel insulted in anyway. Turns out we would sit there and talk for the next 2 hours. Only reason I had to leave was because I had to go buy a present for a friend’s daughter for the birthday party on Saturday and also pick up some booze for the dinner party I was going to attend after that. Onto the present…. I didn’t think I would ever spend so much for a little kid, even one that I’m not overly attached too or have that much of a connection with their parent. I’m great friends with her mom, but the amount I spent blew my mind. I bought her a kitchen playset, the ones that stand up and are about 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall, had lots of toys, etc. I think part of me wanted to get her that because I knew I wanted big ticket toys when I was a kid and I never got them. She’s just lucky that she’s the one that I ended up buying for first because I don’t think I’ll spend this much on anyone else’s kid 😛 I showed up early to help with decorations and picking up of the cake. It was a pretty big cake (for 60 bucks), a castle and it came in a box 2 1/2 feet long, by 1 1/2 feet wide, by 1 1/2 feet tall. Too bad I didn’t stay long enough to have any because of the conflicting plans. By the end of that I was out to my friends for dinner and Tequila, it was a Mexican themed drinking night and to be honest, the high end tequila reminds me a lot of whiskey. Like the high quality stuff, we’re talking 100 dollar bottles. I now understand why there is such a huge difference in the cost and quality of booze. Well I knew it the time it was whiskey night, but I have a much better appreciation of it now. Was a pretty quiet night and I took off early from that because it had been a significantly long day for me, out of the house for 13 hours 🙂 However I would not really get to rest as soon as I got home.
DJ roommate had a new girl over and they were watching movies and what not on the TV. Was social for a little bit, but then was just too tired and tried to go to bed. Didn’t really happen, didn’t pass out until about 4 in the morning because of the TV, well I was sleeping on and off, but it was pretty uncomfortable. Sunday was a very lethargic day due to the lack of sleep the night before. But I went to bed at a decent time and for some reason, still feel pretty tired today. Oh well, new volleyball season starts tonight!
For at least the next 10 weeks I’ll be playing a Monday/Tuesday combination. Monday is competitive hard court and Tuesdays is rec beach. I think I’ll be okay, but I gotta find something else to do, probably Friday nights, go blading or something. I really need something extra to push me over the current weight plateau that I’m currently at. I fluctuate between 213 to 217 on a weekly basis and the goal is to be under 200 by the end of the year as a realistic one. I really want to be 200 by the end of the summer but that’s 2 months away, doable, but keeping the weight off is the tough part. I will admit that I’ve learned to accept that I’m over average when it comes to weight and size and not as big as I thought I was in my mind. Thank you childhood upbringing 😛 Thank god I’m good enough to figure out my own psychological issues.
Current track: Cosmic Gate feat. Emma Hewitt – Not Enough Time (Club Mix)
My dreams could be movies
by Sorean on May.13, 2009, under Dreams
I swear in the past two nights I’ve had the most active and entertaining dreams in a long time, probably having something to do with what’s going on in my life and movies I’ve seen.
First dream: Resident evil style, being chased and trying to kill this mutation that looked like it was an elongated human with no real threat to us except chasing us down and trying to smash us with his really long head. Kinda weird and really freaky, it was like his right side of the body was 1/2 melted away. I remember running through this chemical plant facility trying to get away from it with an energy weapon in hand. I also had a female sidekick (what a shock) that was with me, but I don’t remember much of her, too nondescript to have a major impact except she was a great help in setting up the trap that got the thing. Anyway back to the sidekick and trapping this monster/thing. Running between these huge chemical vats we were able to lose the thing but saw one of those electric panels that have power cables running in them (like the ones Frank Grimes grabbed onto). She then went to work taking the cover off this thing and I went to get the attention of the monster. Wouldn’t you know he was right around the corner…. anyway running back to her I get yanked from the side into where she was hiding and the monster goes sliding by on grease she had left on the floor, headfirst into the open open panel. We stood there waiting for the thing to start frying, but it doesn’t happen, the monster slams headfirst into it, but no charge, it starts to get up and looks around for us….. my imagination doesn’t want this to be easy it seems. As any clichéd hero would do, I quip, “Don’t you just hate it when things don’t work the way you want them to?” We run out of the hiding spot and climb a set of ladders that leads to the metal walkways above the vats and start booking it for what we think is the exit. The monster of course is agile enough to jump up onto the walkway in front of us. Remember that energy weapon I had? Lady hero jumps up onto the rafters, I follow, flip upside down hang by legs and charge up the weapon. Remember, I said metal walkways. Weapon meets the walkway and the monster gets shocked and like most movies, falls into one of the open vats and starts melting from the what I assume to be acid. Don’t remember much after this, moving up through the compound eventually making it to the surface where I wake up shortly after.
Second dream: You know those castle defense games? Think of those, the castle was very cartoony and this dream had a lot of people that I see in real life, a lot of my friends, also had the terrain of the “alien planets” the original Star Trek series contained (I have not seen the new movie yet). Anyway a few of my friends and I set off in front of the castle armed with a myriad of weapons to fight these oncoming waves upon waves of indistinguishable monsters that are coming at us. Think of little blobs of something that are slowly evolving. As we kill them, more and more appear in more advanced lifeforms. Started off as little frogs, then into toads, then into some kind of snake like thing, then into a really thin komodo dragon with one giant fang. Why so descriptive on that one? Because I got caught by one and had it’s fang go through my left forearm. It hurt like a bitch… Managed to fight off the monster and killed it, eventually the waves stopped. Side note:I woke up this morning and had to check my arm to make sure there was no hole in it. Next thing I know we’re getting dropped on another castle and it starts all over again. Who needs video games when you can have dreams like these? 😀 Don’t really remember how the dream ended, but I was back home, sleeping, then I woke up (in the dream) and saw my friends there with me tending their wounds, I follow one of my friends outside to talk about something, saw a bright light, and woke up (not in the dream).
This is from a post last year, but it falls under this category so I’m posting it again, because it was totally awesome.
So I had the strangest dream last night that I was a knight in King Authur’s court and we were defending the castle from 2 dragons, red and blue.
I remember this one part where the red dragon had a good chunk of the army caught in an open area on the top of the castle and started sweeping with fire. I ran and ducked into an opening so I wouldn’t get burned. All of a sudden I was really high up and the blue dragon was underneath and about to fill that area with flame. I jumped out what felt/looked like a good 40 feet, bounced off the dragon and rolled safely.
I then run towards a group of civilians/peasants as the dragon was breathing and for some reason thought I could protect one of the women by hugging her and having the flame go around me. Flame hits, it’s hot, she burns in my arms and I’m still alive. As this woman is dying in my arms she mentions something to the effect of, “her heart has always belonged to me” and I flash back to a memory of her and I sharing a moment in the castle, it wasn’t sexaual or anything, just a moment that we’re passing in the castle. Possibly the first time we saw each other. As she passes on I lay her body down and I feel the anger inside me rise. I turn around, grab a sword off the ground to charge the blue dragon and see the red dragon fall from the sky and land in the middle of the castle with a crash that shakes the ground enough for me to stop to regain my stance. The blue dragon that I’m charging at takes off, flying away. Next thing I know Arthur is in a field and I go to talk to him, but before I can get any words out my alarm goes off. Talk about a bummer…
That’s all I can remember from it, but wasn’t I right? It could have been an awesome action scene in a movie.
And they say imagination is dead, not bloody likely 😛
– Sorean
Current track: ATB – Ecstasy Really old favorite of mine.
Another week into the dust
by Sorean on May.11, 2009, under Personal
Summer is finally upon us! (*crosses fingers*) this weekend was a great time to be outside, alas I spent it mostly in fixing computers and getting other work done. Also spent heading to a friend’s birthday on Saturday night.
I’ve also discovered something, apparently I can’t take any of my female friends to hang out/party with my other circle of friends as they seem to somehow get hit on. Don’t get me wrong, I know they’re cute and all, but man, those guys are just…. well not all of them, just some of them. I guess I can’t really blame them, everyone is looking for that one other person in their life to make it all “complete”. Or just to get laid I suppose, I wish I had the latter mentality, it’d make life so much simpler, but I don’t so we’ll see how things go from here. It’s funny how different people have such diverse vantage points on the subject. I know one that’s afraid to die alone, another who has the same mentality as I do, one who hasn’t been out of a relationship for longer than 2 months in the past 7 years, and one who doesn’t care at all for dating but just goes out to have fun. Of course that is just 4 quick profiles of my many many friends, but you get the idea. I guess it’s these little things that make life more interesting, it’s just a little amusing to me is all.
Weekend tally: 1 formatted computer, 1 updated website, 1 fixed computer, 1 birthday outing, 1 karaoke appearing (no singing :P). 1 Season of Gargoyles watched 😀
Current Track: Don Henly – Boys of Summer Throwback summer classic.
by Sorean on May.03, 2009, under Personal
God I feel like crap still but man oh man was last night ever so fun. Pirates vs Ninjas themed birthday party, I really need to cut back on the drinking, or at least in the case of excess. My life schedule just makes it difficult to do everything that I want to, for example today that would have been catching up on sleep.
Flames are done, hockey season is mostly over, but I caught the Pittsburgh/Washington game and it was awesome, good hockey, great end to end action, and superb goal tending by both teams made it a wonder to watch yesterday. This is certainly going to be one series I’m gonna keep track of closely.
Weight is now down to 214, and I’ve gotten several comments on how much better I look, and that my weight loss has been noticeable, it makes me feel really good about what I’m doing and the fact that I’m seeing progress and so are others makes it all worth it. Progress is now a little slower, but I really wish it would go a lot faster. Luckily I now captain my Monday night team and I can shape that team the way I want, but I don’t want to change it too much. I simply want to keep playing at a competitive level which makes me happier than anything. This past Monday for example I was able to pretty much have the best games possible in the past 2 years of playing. Every spike was perfect, blocks were there, tips dropped in the empty spots, and not just me either, but the rest of my team played at the exact same level of perfection and we just felt great. It’s just that kind of high that I love having and there are few things that can match that, and for the time being, I’ll take what I can get.
Now is there anything else that I can share….. can’t really think of anything at the moment so this is it.
Current Track – DJ Shah feat. Inger Hansen – Don’t wake me up
Where does the time go?
by Sorean on Apr.22, 2009, under Personal
I mean really? Â You go through each day, accomplishing something meaningful and then suddenly you realize that the month is over and the year is a quarter of the way through. Â I still have so much to do but yet the time is fleeting. In recent news I think I’m getting myself into a bit of trouble, not too clear to say anything yet, but if it does come to pass then it’ll be known. Â Weekend recap: I am honestly surprised at the number of people playing volleyball on a Friday night on a drop in basis. Â I took my cousin with me to see how rusty he was and frankly he isn’t that bad. He’s gonna be playing for me this summer and it is shaping up to be a good season.
Saturday was spent watching our Flames try hard and lose. Â They blew it, but it was a good night of hanging out drinking with my Wednesday volleyball team. Â Man those guys were lightweights. Â Wasted and done by 11….. was kinda funny really. Sunday was contract work and more volleyball. Â Pissed me off that we didn’t beat the first team since we are now into playoffs, not sure what that means for the rest of the season, but 2 more weeks of Sunday and I’ll get that night back for myself to work on other things. Monday and Tuesday were spent out of town working and doing training. Â Honestly, giving the same 30-35 minute presentation 12 times in the same day sucks. Â I was surprised that I was able to keep it straight for the majority of the day until the last one when I sorta lost it and forgot if I had covered something or not. Got home last night at 9:30 and here at work at 9 this morning, fun times I tell ya. Â But overall it wasn’t too bad. Â Got to read Watchmen on the way there and back. Movie was pretty close to the comic, but I can see why the differences were put into place, simply easier in a Hollywood sense.
Weight wise, still at 216.  Apparently I started at 237, so I’ve only dropped 21 pounds so not too bad overall.  The past few days have been horrible though, pretty much from Friday night on it was a bust.  Wings, pizza, McDonald’s, Montana’s, A&W, alcohol, I’m surprised I haven’t jumped back over 220.  However, I must keep pushing 😀 I will make my goal and I’m at a very good start so far and as mentioned, the year is 1/4 over and I’m over 1/2 way to my target of 200.
Current track: Nadia Ali – Crash and Burn Such a beautiful song, I know some of you aren’t trance fans, but I ask that you listen to this one from start to end.
– Sorean